Troy Public Library, MI

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Troy Public Library Computer Use

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Computer Use

Internet access at the Troy Public Library is an extension of the library’s commitment to meeting the community’s information needs. In addition to using the Internet as an information resource, the Library will provide public access to the Internet.

The Internet is a global electronic network that provides resources and facilitates communication. Library staff cannot control access points that often change rapidly and unpredictably. The Library cannot be held responsible for the content, quality, accuracy or currency of information accessed on the Internet.

Users should be aware that material on the Internet is copyrighted. It is the responsibility of the user to be aware of the display of any notices concerning the copyright of information and to respect the copyright laws of the United States.

Users should be aware that they are working in a public environment shared by people of varying ages and sensibilities and should refrain from the use of Internet sounds and visuals which might disrupt the ability of others to use the library and its resources. Users are not to display on screens and/or print materials that may be objectionable.

The Internet workstations located in the Adult Services Technology Department are not restricted from receiving any material. These workstations are for the use of individuals 18 years or older, or for minors who are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Any person under the age of 30 who desires to use an unrestricted workstation may be requested to provide official identification to a Library staff member to prove their age, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian who appears to be older than 30 years old. If an individual is unable to verify with identification that they are at least 18 years old, access to an unrestricted workstation will be denied.

The Internet workstations located in the Teen Resource Center of the Library are restricted from receiving obscene matter or sexually explicit matter that is harmful to minors through the use of filtering software.

Internet workstations located in the Youth Services area of the library are restricted from receiving obscene matter or sexually explicit matter that is harmful to minors through the use of filtering software.

No filtering software can guarantee that it will block all obscene or sexually explicit matter that is harmful to minors, or all matter that an individual may deem inappropriate. Therefore, the Library encourages parents and guardians to share in their child’s use of the Internet.

A per page fee is charged for prints from an Internet workstation. This per page fee is listed in the current “Schedule of Library Fees.”

The computer may not be used for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, including any activities prohibited under any applicable Federal, Michigan or local laws.

Internet access may not be available due to technical problems.

The Internet workstations must be used in a responsible manner, respecting the rights of others, and taking care with the use of the equipment. Computer and Internet settings may not be changed or computers rebooted.

Library Staff may impose restrictions, such as time limits, on the use of Library equipment. While respecting an individual user’s right to privacy, Library staff reserves the right to monitor the use of Internet workstations to ensure compliance with this policy. Staff may ask users to remove themselves from Library equipment if they observe any behavior that they judge to be in conflict with this policy. Misuse or abuse of Library equipment or Internet access may result in suspension of Library privileges.