Troy Public Library, MI

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Troy Public Library Board Games

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Board Games

Board_Games - CopyCheck out our fantastic collection of board games located in Adult Services. We have games in all categories, including party games, engine building games, card games, role playing games, and more. You will find games for all abilities, ages, and number of players. 

Each board game can be checked out for 2 weeks and renewed once. 

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Available Board Games
Scroll down to see the board games we have and click the orange to place a hold in the catalog.

Find in Catalog

30 Minutes or Less
Bamboozled TheBearsAndTheBees BearsVsBabies Codenames ExplodingKittens2
Fluxx TheFoxInTheForest IShouldHaveKnownThat IncohearentFamilyEdition - Copy (2) Kingdomino
Payday Phase10 Quixx2 Splendor SushiGo
WhatDoYouMeme 5MinuteMarvel 5Minute3 Tsuro Skyjo
TacoVsBurrito HuesAndCues TheCrewMissionDeepSea ApplesToApples CauldronQuest
Cribbage ChineseCheckers LifeGiant Coup Clue
CoverYourKingdom CatchPhrase WordyWord ReallyLoudLibrarians MrListersQuizShootout

30 Minutes–1 Hour
Azul DisneyVillanous Dragonrealm KingOfTokyo LaticHawaii
MachiKoro Mysterium Pandemic Rummikub Saboteur
Santorini TheOregonTrail TinyEpicGalaxies TrekkingTheNationalParks UnstableUnicons
Chameleon Blockbuster TriviaPursuit DixIt HappyLittleDinosaurs
TheGreatAmericanMailRace Wavelength ArtsyFartsy PickYourPoison TheShining
ForbddenIsland Pachizi ForbiddenDesert Takenoko Photosynthesis
Calico HarryPotterHogwartsBattle Bezzerwizzer MexicanTrainDominos  

1 Hour or More
AGameOfThrones TheVolcanicIsland BetrayalAtHouseOnTheHill Carcassonne Catan
Everdell Mariposas Scythe TicketToRide TrekkingTheWorld
UnsolvedBuddy UnsolvedHarmony UnsolvedHoney UnsolvedJane Wingspan
RISK Scrabble SherlockHolmesConsultingDectective ArkNova NancyDrewMysteryAtMagnoliaGardens
StoneAge ChessSet TheOffice Mahjong MonopolyDeluxeEdition

Outdoor Lawn Games
BocceBall GiantTumbleTower JumboScrabble VolleyballNetSet Tennis